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Storytelling Techniques

7 Storytelling Techniques for Attractive Presentations

7 Storytelling Techniques for Attractive Presentations

Storytelling Techniques
The most successful presentations are a mix of facts, statistics, and a little imagination. But if your slides are full of cold, hard numbers and nothing more, your audience will likely be bored. Whether you’re delivering an annual report, a sales presentation, a status report, or a project proposal – there are plenty of opportunities to grab your audience’s attention by telling a story. But while stories can be powerful, it’s important to make sure you choose the right ones for your presentation. 1. Tell a Hero’s Story In any good story, there’s usually a hero whose story we hear about and relate to. A hero takes on a challenge, overcomes it, and eventually returns home changed. This type of storytelling works well for a presentation because it ties into your audience’s experiences and ...